+39 010 540 964 - +39 333 66 54078 ecc@englishconversationclub.info


This site uses technical, statistical and profiling cookies, including third-party cookies, and similar technologies to guarantee the correct functioning of the procedures and improve the user experience. By clicking on Accept all cookies, you will give your consent to the use of all these cookies. You can change your consent whenever you want and get more details by consulting the privacy information and cookie policy.


Pursuant to the provision of the Privacy Guarantor on the identification of simplified methods for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies of 8 May 2014, published in the Official Journal no. 126 of 3 June 2014, we inform the user that this site uses cookies for technical and profiling purposes, as described in the document.

What are cookies?

Cookies are information placed on your browser when you visit a website or use a social network with your PC, smartphone or tablet. Each contains different data such as, for example, the name of the server it comes from or a numerical identifier.

Types of cookies

Based on their ownership, cookies are distinguished into first-party cookies, sent to the user from a medium, domain or app managed by the editor/owner/manager of the site, and third-party cookies, sent to the user from a medium, domain or app managed by a third party.

Cookies can have different purposes, which distinguish them into:

Technical or necessary cookies, downloaded by default to access the area of the site, platform or app. They allow navigation on the web page, facilitating its use through the use of automatic services such as traffic control, automatic language recognition, the storage of elements and data when making a purchase, the security checks of the service, the use of content or areas with limited access, storage or sharing of content via social media.

Analysis cookies, used for surveys and analysis for statistical purposes on site user traffic. They record the number of users, the sections visited on the platform and the methods of interaction Profiling cookies record the user’s behavior to reconstruct a specific profile based on the activities carried out on the internet. They are used for the advertising of targeted and personalized services, as well as for the management of advertising spaces managed by the editor/owner/manager of the site or third parties.

How long do cookies last?

Cookies can remain in the system for the duration of a session (i.e. until the browser used for web browsing is closed) or for long periods and can contain a unique identification code.

How to disable cookies

The user can deny his consent to the use of cookies at any time, using the warning banner that appears at the bottom of the page or directly from his browser. For your convenience, we report the instructions for the main browsers to disable the use of cookies:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
Internet Explorer


We remind you that deactivating cookies could compromise the user’s experience of using the site, regarding sharing buttons, maps or other services provided by third parties.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR n. 679/2016)

Privacy information
Data controller

The site “www.englishconversationclub.info” (hereinafter, the “Site”) owned and managed by Stephen Murrell, hereinafter the “Company”, as Data Controller, guarantees compliance with the regulations regarding the protection of personal data providing the following information regarding the processing of data communicated or collected during navigation on this site.

Data processed, purposes and legal bases of the processing

The information is intended for all subjects who interact with the web pages of the Site, both those who use the Site without registering and those who, at the end of the specific procedure, fill out the contact form.

Data generated by access to the site

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This data (such as for example domain names, IP addresses, operating system used, type of browser device used for the connection) is not accompanied by any additional personal information and is used to: i) obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site; ii) manage control needs of the methods of use of the same, iii) ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes.

The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of such data is the need to make the functions of the site usable following the user’s access.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

The personal data provided by the user via the form are collected and processed for the following purposes:

To carry out customer relationship activities
For administrative purposes and for the fulfillment of legal obligations such as those of an accounting or tax nature, or to process requests from judicial authorities;
In the presence of specific consent, for the periodic sending, via e-mail, of newsletters and invitations to events. In the case of sending CVs, exclusively for selection purposes.

The legal basis that legitimizes the processing is the execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party or the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same.

In the cases expressly indicated, the legal basis is the consent freely given by the interested party.

Nature of the contribution Apart from what is specified for navigation data, the provision of data: with respect to the purposes referred to in letters a), b) and f) is optional but any refusal will make it impossible for the Company to carry out the contractual commitments undertaken. with respect to the purpose referred to in letter c) it is also optional and its use is conditional on the granting of explicit consent.

Any refusal will make it impossible for the Company to send newsletters or invitations to events.

Data processing methods and retention times

The data collected will be processed using electronic or automated, IT and telematic tools, or through manual processing with logic strictly related to the purposes for which the personal data were collected and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee in any case the security of the same.

Data is processed for the time necessary to carry out the service requested by the User, or required by the purposes described in this document, and the User can always request the interruption of the Processing or the deletion of the Data.

Subjects authorized to process, be responsible for and communicate data

The processing of the data collected is carried out by internal or external personnel with a specific mandate given by the Company for this purpose identified and authorized for the processing according to specific instructions given in compliance with current legislation.

Rights of the interested party At any time it is possible to access the data, oppose the processing or request the cancellation, modification or updating of all personal information collected by the Company, exercising the right to limit the processing and the right to data portability, by sending an email to ecc@englishconversationclub.info Data Protection Officer The owner has appointed the data protection officer who can be contacted at the following email address:
Details on the processing of Personal Data Personal Data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

Management of support and contact requests

This type of service allows this Company to manage support and contact requests received via email or other tools, such as the contact form.

The Personal Data processed depends on the information provided by the User in the messages and on the tool used for communication (for example the email address).

Personal Data collected: surname, name, email, company and telephone number. Tag management

This type of service is functional for the centralized management of the tags or scripts used.

The use of these services involves the flow of User Data through them and, if applicable, their retention. Google Tag Manager (Google LLC) Google Tag Manager is a tag management service provided by Google LLC.

Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy. Management of addresses and sending of email messages

This type of service allows you to manage a database of email contacts, telephone contacts or contacts of any other type, used to communicate with the User.

These services may also allow the collection of data relating to the date and time of viewing of messages by the User, as well as the User’s interaction with them, such as information on clicks on links included in messages.

Heat mapping and session recording Heat mapping services are used to identify which areas of a page are subject to cursor passage or mouse clicks in order to detect which of them attract the greatest interest.

These services allow you to monitor and analyze